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Interior immersions design studio explored networks and spaces of transformation within the context of topology theory. Students considered interior space in terms of properties of connectedness and invariance under transformation. Drawing upon the conceptual language of topology to consider relationships, intensities and transformations of this new theory outside its original field of mathematics. Concepts of pathway, boundary, interior, exterior, disconnection, movement, multiplicity, differentiation and exclusive inclusion were tested through real and imaginary scenarios.

Waitng space specialisation In collaboration with Dental Health Services Victoria, looked specifically at the Royal Dental Hospital located in Swanston St Melbourne.

With an emphasis on concepts of waiting and waiting spaces, the course will focused on the sequence of spatial experiences from the perspective of both patient and health worker. Students investigated concepts of waiting, way finding, spatial experience and spatial sequence in relation to physical environments, contemporary media and digital services, to facilitate varying levels of interaction between staff, professional staff and patient experience.

Boundlessness design studio investigated micro public spaces usually found on the periphery. The idea was to expose and adapt to the existing elements and conditions on the extreme edges of public space. Students realised small-scale artefacts through site analysis within inner city locations.The studio investigated the accidental urban vernacular, the students acted as urban detectives by cataloguing through photography/ mappings /collage/ diagram/ installation - the agility of Melbourne’s fabric locating sequential boundaries and surfaces hard /soft/ blurred /invisible to produce radical programmatic collisions and customisation.

Binaries+ displacements design studio explored the ambiguous spaces of mixed reality; the studio
students  considered configured space as a platform for enabling multiple experiences rather than prescribing one kind of spatial outcome. Low tech site-specific responses speculated on the potential of multi layered space informed through new spatial understandings generated out of the high technology of
mixed realities.
Throughout the studio students developed experimental and explorative methods of spatial and temporal displacement in order to create new sensory and immersive experiences and connections within the urban


In States of transition communications course students  utilised photography, modelling, projection and digital media to
interact, document and communicate ephemeral and transient conditions of space within the urban environment.Such works  considered the interplay between reality and transformation.
Students  considered; how can transient, elusive moments and experience be recorded reconfigured and communicated? What new relationships may exist between one medium to the next?
The course provided students with the ability to investigate interact with and document conditions of site. Students learned skills to process and reconfigure these workings through digital means in order to design and communicate new spatial possibilities.

Pop up shops_temporary retail space _interface _material + dematerialisation specialisation explored the possibilities of the ‘pop up shop’ and temporary retail space as a place for display and connection to remote online shopping, relating real spaces with virtual space.
Within the context of consumer affection for mobile devices and virtual stores consumers demand enhanced experiences and multiple modes of engagement within the context of the shopping environment.
Students  explored opportunities of site and under used spatial nooks within the CBD to develop and test the notion of interface and considered both window and screen as a site of exchange
for information and experience.

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