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The glass rotating door is a vessel that manipulates the surrounding environment . Rotating glass panels capture distorted reflections of the exterior environment cast from the glass cylinder that encases them. As the door moves, within it is created a layering and distortion, a manipulation of space. As time passes and lighting conditions change the mirrored environment reveals and conceals.

Altered states of  reflection and transparency combine with the motion of the rotating door and the changing lighting exterior environment to create a visual phenomena. Captured through the camera frame the reflections appear to move horizontally.

Darker lighting conditions inside the glass cylinder and brighter conditions outside create a mirrored effect on the glass surfaces.

Within this vessel is another space, an area in which something exists to a lesser or uncertain degree.

An area within which distinction or resolution is difficult or uncertain.

It is as if you are looking into something/somewhere else.

A literal shift in one reality and the seeing of another.

‘Screens are everywhere’

Media exists in many forms
and exists everywhere

The moving sky above becomes 
moving image for those inside the
tram to view

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