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dialogue of surface

Inhabiting the

in-between through the cinematic imaginary.

Final Year Project - BA Interior Design (Hons), 2005

Dialogue of Surface drew upon observations within the urban environment where surfaces present a dynamic exchange between material , light and the surrounding environment.

These elements produce 'screen' like phenomena. Initiated by movement, light and surface manipulate and distort the reflected environment, creating new spaces within. These 'screens' are everywhere and act as windows, framing views into this place of the in-between.

The thesis investigated notions of cinematic space through the design of a spatial film. The film is experienced through a journey that leads the viewer through the city to the screening venues. Throughout this journey the viewer entered locations described as frames. Inserted screens acted as a spatializing mechanism mediating in-between the viewer and the environment of the city.

Each  space  was realised through understanding the existing ‘dialogue of surface’ the dialogue that creates this screen like phenomena within the city. This dialogue is understood through investigating the interaction of surface, light and environment. The results serve as tools, devices to create and enhance this realm of the in-between.

In response to these findings testing and experimentation through material occurred. A series of treatments to the surface of the perspex screens using techniques of scoring and applying mirrored, translucent and opaque window film activated the surface and allowed for manipulation of the visual information they communicated.

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